Solar Powered Party

Picture taken from Goal Zero's Facebook page.
I love looking back on the entries I have posted here on my blog.  While life isn't always perfect, life is certainly full of great things.  This blog is such a great way for me to focus on the things that make me happy.  I love having a record of the good things in life.

I have added another incredible day to my life.  This past week, Luke turned 11.  He had the best birthday!!  First he got to talk to Greg Nielsen, a scientist in New Mexico that figured out a way to shrink the solar cell down to the size of glitter.  Not only has he done that, but he is also working on a way to increase the solar power by using a type of magnifying glass above it.  Luke was so excited reading about Greg's project!  He was especially excited to learn that Greg was using magnifying glass to increase the intensity of the sun on the solar panel because Luke had that very idea, but was told by an adult that they didn't think that would work. 

Luke was able to talk to Greg because I had the courage to call him a couple weeks ago and ask if he'd talk to Luke.  If you know Luke, you know he is crazy about alternative energy, specifically solar power.  He is such a cute little geek :)  Keith and I were really excited Greg would spend the time with our son!  On the phone call Luke asked Greg lots of questions.  Greg asked Luke a few questions back, and also gave him some ideas for a science fair project.  Greg also said Luke could call him back, so we'll have to do that when Luke gets going more on his science project.  Luke loved talking to a "famous scientist".

Later that day, Luke had his birthday at a company called GoalZero.   They manufacture solar panels and Luke loves their products.  I called them a couple weeks ago asking if we could have a tour of their company with a bunch of other kids for Luke's birthday party.  I know this was an unusual and strange request, but I knew Luke would LOVE it and I thought his friends would too since Luke's love of science has rubbed off on them. 

Goal Zero has a really cool lobby with a rock wall, slide and a loft.  When we got there a bunch of their employees came to look over the railing of the loft and started cheering and wishing Luke a happy birthday!  It was INCREDIBLE!!  I spoke up and thanked everyone and told them how passionate Luke was about solar power and that most of the kids there were part of his Monkey Mind Science Club.  I had previously told this to the girl we set the tour up with and I think they all thought it was really cool a kid would request to have his birthday at their company.  The two girls (Kirsten and Raylynn) who gave us our tour started us out by letting the kids climb the rock wall.  They had games organized to play on the wall too. The CEO came and talked to Keith, my dad and I while the kids played.  Next they took us on an amazing tour.  They didn't give us any regular tour, they had every group that worked there talk to us about their job and what they did.  The boys were in HEAVEN!  However, that wasn't all... at the end they gave every kid a goodie bag, as well as a cupcake decorated with solar sayings, and sent Luke off with some products he LOVES.  I was shocked they would do all that for us!

Can you believe the generosity?  I am working on ideas for ways to thank Greg Nielsen and GoalZero.  I'm also really grateful for my dad helping me get the boys to the party.  The GoalZero party was absolutely amazing.  Every boy left saying they wanted to have their birthday party there too.  The boys also left saying they couldn't believe Luke was the first to ever have a birthday party there.  Haha.  Can you imagine the lack of work that would get done there if they kept hosting parties?  Although, maybe they would be willing to do it more because they posted on their facebook page about Luke's party and said to "like" the post if you want a party there too.  We are so lucky, and I am so grateful that they made the science of solar power so exciting to all the kids. 


Renae said...

That is awesome! Seriously! What a great birthday for Luke! I really can't believe all the work that company did in putting together such a great party for Luke. And I'm sure that was just a thrill for Luke to talk to that scientist. I love that Luke had the same idea as him. And really, Luke shouldn't listen adults- what do they know? :)

Emily said...

April, that is amazing! You are a great mom. Luke is such a cool kid. It's not very often that you can tell that an eleven year old is going to be extremely successful in his life.

My dad has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and worked on the Apollo Space missions. He would have died to have a kid so excited about science.

Matthew and Erin Hart said...

That is the cutest idea. I love how Luke is so smart. :)

Mads said...

I saw something about this on Facebook and I'm glad I got to find out all about it. Seriously that's awesome!! Luke is such a smart kid, I love it! I love how he is so interested in science and has gotten his sister and friends interested in it too. Amazing!