30 Days of Science - Day 5

Any clue as to what you are looking at here?

This is a picture of the inside of a plastic cup I'm holding with some magic sand and a little water in it.  I love this picture because I think it is unusual and has good balance.  I love photos of interesting textures like this one, or this one, or this one.

Magic sand is a lot of fun to play with.  It's actually normal sand with a water resistant coating on it that makes it so it never gets wet.  There are a few really fun things to try with magic sand.  Let Steve Spangler teach you some fun ideas. 

Magic sand is a hydrophobic product.  Hydrophobic means "water fearing".  Isn't that a fun word?  If you buy the magic sand, you could first show regular sand and how it works, then tell your kids you have some sand that is afraid of water and bring out the magic sand and joke around about how scared the sand is of the water while you are playing with it.