I Love These!



They have my mom's name all over them. She is usually in heels or flippers so these would be perfect. Haha. My mom works hard when she is home, then when she is on vacation she plays hard. Same with my dad. They have had the financial freedom to travel the world the past 10 years or so. It's really neat to see them be able to travel to so many great places. This year they went to China, Isreal, Mexico and who knows what other places I am forgetting. ETA: I should add, when I was growing up my parents didn't have a lot of money. We had several times where times where tougher and we even had to live in a apartment when I was in high school. They finally started making good money after I graduated from high school. It really makes me happy to see them so successful now.


Jillo said...

THese are quite fabulous. My only wonder would be walking in sand with heels and a flipper. I bet it is a good leg workout. =)

Boquinha said...

Those are WILD!! That's so neat about your parents--good for them!

Boquinha said...

That reminds me--have you seen our friends' blog . . . the ones who live in Nepal? Fascinating stuff.

DottieLou said...

that is so funny... Yea for your parents