
This is a scrapbook page from my paper scrapping days. It would have been so much easier to do digitally, but it was still fun. My favorite scrapbook pages have lots and lots of pictures. This page was to document the things Luke liked at 1.5. I'm so glad I did this page because there is so much I would have forgotten. Scrapbooking, journaling and any kind of personal history is cool.


BTW - I just won lift tickets to Sundance! I'm so excited! I know Luke will love it there. I can't believe how inexpensive this year's skiing has been!


Amy said...

He is sooo tiny! It kind of makes me sad to look at it because it just reminds me how fast time flies by and how my little one will be as big as Luke one day! These photos are really cute!

Mike and April Oaks said...

Hi, this is April Oaks also, thanks for leaving me a comment. Your blog is amazing! I guess you could say we're sort of related to Dallin H. Oaks, he's my husband's grandpa's cousin. Kind of a stretch, I know. Anyhow, my son, Dallin, actually got the name because I've been in love with the name Dallin since I was a teenager, but it's also not bad to be mistaken for his namesake, he's a really great person. :0)

Gina said...

That is a great page, or should I say two pages. Super cute. The simplicity allows you to focus on the pictures.

Jillo said...

I am totally impressed you did this with paper! That is a lot of work. What a fun page, I need to do this with my kids every so often.