Don't say you can't afford Photoshop

Megan skiied by herself today for the first time! It was only on the bunny hill, but I was still anxious to document the moment. It was so bright outside and I had my sunglasses on. I didn't realize the picture looked so bad when I took it. Fortunately with a levels, curves and saturation adjustment the picture isn't too bad. It's so exciting to rescue a poor photo.

Now, don't say you can't afford Photoshop. Many of you have written that in the comments. The truth is you can get Adobe Photoshop Elements on Ebay for pretty darn cheap. I've bought older versions there for as low as $10. New copies of Photoshop, just older. You don't need the full version for $600 to be able to scrapbook the way I do or enhance pictures like this. Any version will do.



Amy said...

That is good to know! I want Photoshop very badly but always thought it was out of my price range! I'll have to check it out! Wait...I think I need a good camera first!