40 Things

I decided to copy Stacy and Jill and post these 40 things. It was fun reading their answers and I enjoyed writing mine.

1. My uncle once: told me zebras were horses that went to jail. I believed him for longer than I should have.

2. Never in my life: have I thought any cola drink tasted good.

3. When I was five: it was 1980 and Kenny Rogers, Olivia Newton John, Billy Joel and Michael Jackson were big stars.

4. High School was: a lot of fun but I really wish I was involved in more sports. I completely gave up the first time I got cut from a team and I will always regret that.

5. I will never forget: the day my children were born.

6. I once met: a man who said his closet was as big as the store I worked in. I still can’t figure out why he thought that was so important to tell me. The store was about 1000 square feet.

7. There’s this girl I know who: lived in a flat with a view of a castle (my sister, Angie).

8. Once, at a bar: I hit my head. Actually it was a big beam in the mall and I walked right into it when talking to my friends.

9. By noon, I usually have a new goal in mind, but sadly I don't write them down or follow through as much as I used to.

10. Last night: I played these brain benders with my kids.

11. If only I had: a house in Australia.

12. Next time I go to church: I am going to try harder not to be late.

13. Terry Schiavo: is fortunate to have people that love her. I feel sympathy for both sides.

14. What worries me most: is that someone I love might, one day, suffer a lot of pain.

15. When I turn my head left, I see: A Canon MP620 and a Canon 30D.

16. When I turn my head right, I see: HP Laserjet 2100 and a Sharp FO 5800.

17. You know I’m lying when: I say my car battery is dead and my friends are helping me jump start it now, and then I still don’t come home for an hour or two. I didn’t think through how long it would really take to jump start a car and get home. I was just trying to buy more time with my friends in high school.

18. What I miss most about the eighties: Olivia Newton John and dancing to her music.

19. If I were a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: lost without someone explaining the story to me.

20. By this time next year: both of my kids will be in school.

21. A better name for me would be: Perfect. Ha ha. I’m totally kidding. I like my name and I'm not perfect.

22. I have a hard time understanding: physics and chemistry.

23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: study business. I would also take a few English classes because I need help with my writing and grammar (I had to spell check grammar). I would love to go back to school for graphic design, photography and art too.

24. You know I like you if: you know me. I like everyone.

25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: without question, my parents.

26. Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: are not super interesting to me. If I wrote the questions I would have liked to have heard what people had to say about Corrie Ten Boom, Gerald Coffee, John H. Groberg, and maybe Bill Gates.

27. Take my advice, never: spend much time feeling bad for yourself.

28. My ideal breakfast: would be at an open air beachfront restaurant with my family eating crepes, eggs and orange juice.

29. A song I love, but do not own is: No Air. I really love Chris Brown and wish I hadn't heard any rumors about him.

30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: ice skating at Solitude, skiing at the Canyons, sledding at Gargoza Park and seeing the lights at Temple Square in the winter. In the summer I would suggest dozens of awesome hikes including Timpanogas Cave and the Red Pine trail, getting a day pass at Snowbird, biking at Deer Valley, waterskiing at Jordanelle, camping in Payson, visiting the Flower Gardens at Thanksgiving Point and tubing down the Provo River. I have so much more I could write. I love the opportunities here.

31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips, & track stars: Tulips are my favorite flower, character flaws are usually understandable, microchips are awesome, and track stars are inspiring.

32. Why won’t people: give me their money?

33. If you spend the night at my house: I would need a lot of notice so I could clean like a mad woman.

34. I’d stop my wedding for: nothing. I’m sure I would have postponed it a month for the right amount of cash though.

35. The world could do without: a crime I find too sad or disgusting to write about.

36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: hold a cat. Well, I'd at least consider licking the belly of a cockroach to avoid holding a cat.

37. My favorite blond is: Luke or Megan.

38: Paper clips are more useful than: a lot of things! My dream would be to come up with a product as useful as a paperclip.

39. If I do anything well, it’s: the ability to see the good in people. Every story has two sides.

40. And by the way: I think it’s ridiculous I like to talk about myself. I do enjoy learning about others though. Let me know if you post this on your blog.


Emily said...

6. I could SO live in a house with a 1000 square foot closet.
17. hilarious! i'm dying!
26. is slim pickens a real person?
40. the point of your blog is to talk about yourself. we wouldn't read it if we didn't care!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Thanks Emily. That is sweet. Yes, Slim is a real person. I had to google him to find out myself.

Jillo said...

These really are fun to read!
The brain bender website is super fun. I know my kids will like that. THanks!

susan said...

I am totally with you on #36!