Monster Trucks and SkyDiving

On Valentine's Day our family went to see Monster Jam at the Energy Solutions Center. It was a lot of fun. I don't know why I like those things so much, but I do. We got to see some motocross in the middle of the show too. Those motorcycles are so much fun to watch, although I'm terrified someone is going to break their back in front of me.

After the show Keith surprised me and said he would take me to do something else. I chose to go to the Salomon Center in Ogden. I've always wanted to go there to watch (or participate) in the indoor skydiving and surfing. I'm still smiling that he went with me. Unfortunately the Flowrider was under construction, but we still got to see the skydiving. Keith even said I could do it if I wanted!!! Wow!!! There were no openings so I didn't get to do it, but I still had a blast watching. When we first got there we watched some kids. I'm guessing they were 6, 8 and 13 or so. They were really good. Clearly they have been practicing. My kids LOVED watching the younger kids and Luke can't wait to do it himself.

Unfortunately, we found out that the $49 introductory price is for ONLY TWO MINUTES total!!! $25 a minute! The kids we were watching apparently are part of a family that buys time in there in 10 hour chunks so it's cheaper, but that is still probably thousands of dollars. $49 seemed worth it to me when I thought you got 15 or 20 minutes, but TWO? Sheesh!

The Flowrider is fairly expensive too, but nothing like iFly. It's worth every penny. If you ever go I would totally recommend paying more and stay a while until you really get the hang of it. It is so much fun! I got to do it on a cruise about a year ago.

Here is an iPhone picture of the Monster Jam. Do you like how they painted the hill and cars pink and white with hearts? I thought that was great. Too bad they had to smash those hearts into pieces.



Emily said...

I went to a monster truck rally in college, and I thought it was really fun! We go watch the surfing and flying pretty often, it's free to watch and so fun to see. I was shocked at the price too, it's totally outrageous. Our friend in our ward is the manager of the Flowrider and is in the YM presidency so he takes the youth to do it pretty often. I'd love to try it sometime.

. said...

I think this is such a fun idea for valentines! I bet my boys would love it, minus the noise. It gets pretty loud, doesn't it?
Two minutes for 50.00 bucks is a little crazy. I think we all need to move to Emily's ward and get in on that action.

Booking It With Sandi said...

Hello April! I found you on Sharon's blog and said hummn, I wonder what April is up to?
Well I see that you have learned the fine art of watching a collisium filled with Dirt driving Trucks run over each other and screaming at the top of your lungs when they take the awesome jumps.

Now, I know why all those years ago my son Devin wanted to Marry April more than anyone else in the world. You have the same taste in fun!!!!.

I love that stuff, just don't go very often. Devin on the other hand could watch anything truck related and salivate at the sight of a dirty motor. haha

I love being able to see how big your kids are getting. I am glad that I stopped to check out your blog.
Have a great day,
Sandi Brower

Renae said...

I had some friends go to that Monster Truck show too! I had no idea that was going on, otherwise I think I would have asked Kyle to go. That would have been so fun!

Gina said...

What don't you do girl?

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