
In school, Luke was asked to draw something that makes him happy. He drew himself sitting at his desk listening to his teacher. How cute is that? THIS makes me really happy. He used to dread school and now he loves it. I can't quite figure out what the change is. Maybe it is just all the time he gets to play with his friends at recess and lunch now that he is there full day??? I don't know what it is but I am THRILLED he is happy and enjoys school.



Emily said...

SO cute. I hope my kids are happy at school.

Jillo said...

How sweet. We sure do like that little Luke. That is a pretty great drawing too. His teacher has some awesome hair. =)

Angie LeBaron said...

That makes me laugh! What a change since last year. I can't believe it!

Gina said...

First of all, I am still in utter amazement at how much and often you are able to post. You are a true super woman, or at least a night owl to get all the rest of the stuff done in the middle of the night.

I am glad Luke is enjoying school. It is so much easier to let them go when you know that they feel safe and happy. Cute drawing too.