Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

I thought it was really fun reading my SIL Jill's blog today. She wrote about her life 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 1 year ago, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I went to my journals to do some research to write my own list and decided I might as well post my journal entries. I hope none of my dedicated blog friends will feel obligated to read all of this. It's going to be pretty long but it's fun for me and that is the main reason I blog. Here goes...

20 Years Ago

First of all, am I really old enough to remember 20 years ago!!! I didn't write in my journal September 11, 1988, but I did write on the 8th and 12th. The entry on the 8th is about my sister Angie and how I was trying to talk her into running for a class office position and she decided to run for vice president. Here is the entry on the 12th. I was 13 years old.



11-19 Years Ago

I'm going to stick to the dates Jill wrote about, but I thought I would mention these years were big for me. I went to two high schools, played some sports, graduated, worked in the Tetons for two summers, started working at Jordan Valley School (for handicapped kids), worked at Oakcrest camp, met Keith, got married, bought my first house and started selling real estate.

10 Years Ago

This is a long journal entry because I hadn't written in a while. It covers "10 years ago" pretty well.




5 Years Ago

This is the closest journal entry to "5 years ago". Several months after I wrote this, I got pregnant with Megan. That was almost exactly 5 years ago, and I'm sure I was too tired to do much, even write in my beloved journal.



For those of you that don't know what primary is... Primary is basically the childrens Sunday School classes. I was in charge of all of the kids 3-12 as well as the teachers who taught the kids in our church. We met for 2 hours each Sunday, had 4 activities a year, occasionally sung in sacrament meeting (yes, three hours of church), and put on the entire sacrament program with all the kids once a year.

1 Year Ago

I'm sure I have a journal entry but it's on my other computer and I'm too lazy to get it. I finally switched to journaling on the computer and I love having spell check and not having to look at my handwriting. One year ago, Luke started kindergarten and Megan started preschool. This was also the start of a really big year with my business. I was able to get a few articles published, travel a lot and be on a few tv shows. Not as impressive as it sounds, but I did do a lot.

This Year So Far

Sigh. I'm tired thinking about it. It's been a great year but tiring. Life is tiring for everyone right? My most exciting personal thing to note is that I'm finally losing weight and working hard at it. I went to Total Health and Fitness again yesterday and I have the results to prove I had another good week. It's exciting.


Gym, Luke to school, Megan to school, mow the lawn, work, pick Megan up, library, pick up Luke, home with 2 extra cute kids, meeting, get ready for bed, read books, tv in my room alone, sleep.


Gym, Luke to school, Megan to school (2 hours), work, pick Megan up and hang out with her, pick up Luke and hang out with both kids, hopefully a date with Keith, kids to bed, sleep.

Next Year

I'll have both kids in school (Megan half a day) and I'll be able to work more. I hope to really be able to get a lot accomplished with my job. I love writing goals for my future based on family, spirituality, personal, financial and health but I'm not going to go into that here. At least not today :)


Stacy said...

This was so fun to read. Thanks for sharing.

Renae said...

April, I just wanted to tell you that I think you are so amazing. It's true.