A Treasure

My amazing Aunt Marilyn Myers (my Grandpa Park's sister) has done a lot of work on genealogy and has shared it with all of us. She makes sure everyone gets CDs and books of everything she has. It's the most amazing treasure and a very generous gift of her time and talents. I've been able to receive a few CDs and books but most go to her brothers and sisters and their children (including my grandpa and my mom). This week I borrowed all of my grandpa's CDs and loaded them onto my computer. It's been fun looking through everything.

Here is a very small sample of what I found. How cool is this?


This is a picture of my Great Grandma Park. Isn't she beautiful?


This picture makes me laugh. It totally reminds me of Kiddie Kandids. The photographer could have been rich off this idea.


I think these pictures are precious. So often everyone looks so serious in the old pictures. I just loved seeing this tender picture of this mother and baby. The one of the girls with the dolls is adorable too. My cute little girl would have been so happy playing with them.


About 6 years or so ago I made my aunt Marilyn a scrapbook album. Not the scrapbook, just the album. Marilyn couldn't have made me feel better because she created an entire scrapbook for that album and scanned in copies of it for everyone. Her scrapbook is INCREDIBLE! Here are a few pictures from that album.

This is the cover I made. I just started a challenge based on this on my website. Click here for info.


This is the inside cover:


Here are a few of Marilyn's pages:





Isn't Marilyn incredible? She is so generous and I'm so grateful that I get to benefit from her kindness. My Grandpa Thorup is very involved with family history too. He's given me some really neat books he's put together too. I will have to share them another time. He even helped me with my wedding scrapbook. So cool!!

My Grandma Park also put together a neat book I've really enjoyed reading today. It's called, "My Heritage" and is subtitled, "This is what makes me who I am". She put together single page histories of her parents and grandparents back to the early 1800's. It's really easy to read which makes it fun. If any of you are interested putting together a history book I really recommend my grandma's format. It starts with a letter from her, then a pedigree chart. Next comes all of the single page histories she wrote with each couple's accompanying family group chart. Each history has a picture. It's really cool. The oldest histories are combined between couples on a single page.


Angie LeBaron said...

Wow! I need to look through this with you sometime and you can tell me more about it! Wow! It really is amazing. I love this collegue (or however you spell that tricky word).

Jillo said...

Those are so amazing and such a treasure. That album is beautiful. I love the neat family trees. What a neat thing for you to have! I love old photos. They make me feel so much more connected to my ancestors.

Renae said...

That's so neat that you have all of that. Someday I would like to put together some sort of history... it would be a lot of work, but so worth it, I think. At my work we print a lot of family histories. I mainly work on those family histories (getting them ready to print, proofing, printing them...). It's fun to see the things people put together. Eventhough it's not my family, I still like to read bits and pieces of them. It's really inspired a desire in me to get into family history. Someday I'll get there... I'm glad you posted all of those pictures.

Boquinha said...

WOW. I'm practically speechless. Treasure is right!