
Luke's first full day of school is this Tuesday. Tomorrow we get to meet with his teacher. I'm nervous and excited for Luke to start school. Megan gets to start preschool next week. She is really excited so I'm excited for her. Poor Luke is not excited for school. I hope he can adjust to a full day of school quickly because he has no other choice.

Here are some first day pictures from other years. Megan didn't get to go to school in 2006, but I couldn't leave her out of the picture.




By the way... we just got back from a great vacation with my side of the family. We went to the lake. Somehow I forgot my camera (geez!) but Angie got some pictures and posted them on her blog. Click here if you want to see.


Emily said...

Cute! Is he in kindergarten or first grade? Isaac starts preschool in 2 weeks and I'm so excited (and a bit nervous!).

Amy said...

It always amazes me to see pictures of kids who are just starting school. They look so tiny at that age! Luke has the BEST smile in these pics...he just needs to flash that a few times and he'll have no problem meeting friends!

Jillo said...

They are so sweet! Look how cute and little they are. Tommorrow will be so exciting!