Flies Welcome Here

Last year Keith saw a Venus Fly Trap at the store. He didn't buy it and came home. A few days later he went back to get the plant but they were all gone. Now he really wanted one and so did the kids. He looked everywhere and couldn't find one for weeks. He finally ordered one and had it shipped to us. We were so anxious for it to catch a fly but it never did.

This year we bought the first Venus Fly Trap we could find and we have already caught two flies! Ha ha. If you look really close at the picture you'll see a dark spot in two of the traps. Actually, it's hard to see but the trap on the far left is one of the two. The other is already starting to open again at the very top.


For any of you with kids sitting on your laps, here is a video you can show them of a Venus Fly Trap at work. One night we spent hours looking up information and videos on carnivorous plants. It was fun for my kids especially my (then) 5 year old. It might be a good thing for some of you with kids too.


Emily said...

ooh, neat! and kinda gross.

Boquinha said...

What a great idea!!

Emily, I'm totally behind on blog reading. I'm coming to yours and the other Oaks' blogs next!

Angie LeBaron said...


Why does that just gross me out? I watched the video and watched the video of the frog being eaten by a Venus Fly Trap too. I feel a little queasy...but admit that is fascinating. How in the world does a plant do that? WEIRD!!!