30 Days of Science - Day 20

Luke and Megan are getting good at skiing.  Luke especially is getting really confident and doing really well.  I keep telling him I want him to fall more often because that shows he is pushing his abilities and he will get better.  A couple weeks ago when we went skiing we decided to take a picture of him after he fell for a blog post about gravity.  I'm glad he can have a good attitude when he falls.

My 10 year old Luke has a science journal he writes in just for fun.  His first entry is about gravity.  He wrote this while we were in church.  We have three hours of church so I let him do what he wants for most of the first hour.  Here is what he wrote, in his own words:

Luke's Theory of Gravity
I predict that all energy attracts other energy.  Something with more potential energy must be larger.  Larger objects have more gravity, so the energy must be attracting other energy.  Heat energy tends to go upward unlike my theory, but it vibrates therefore making the gas less dense, so more dense gasses can push their way through and creating pressure where there is no more room to go down, so it applies pressure on the less dense gas causing it to overcome gravity.

Want a fun anti-gravity experiment?
Watch, then try this.  It's one of our favorites.


Angie LeBaron said...

That is a great picture!

Renae said...

Is it sad to say that his paragraph about gravity is totally over my head. :) I think I need to read through it another time or two before it sinks in. What a smart kid he is!