30 Days of Science - Day 2

I looked around my house the other day and noticed we had at least 8 science projects going on.  My son Luke absolutely loves science and is constantly coming up with new things to try.  Megan isn't passionate about science the way Luke is, but she has a great time, each time Luke does an experiment.  I decided to do this 30 days of science as a fun way to share the experiments he is working on.

Can you guess what the experiment is here?  About a year ago Luke begged me for days to buy a plant.  He wanted to test the theory that plants grow towards sunlight.  With this ivy plant he was able to discover first hand that the theory was correct.  We rotate it from time to time or it would be leaning a little bit towards the light.


Angie LeBaron said...

I like your experiments. Jonny needs to come over for science lessons. I love that Luke has influenced Jonny to think that science is cool!