Inspirational Dirty Jobs???

I love the show Dirty Jobs, but who would ever expect to watch Mike Rowe give an incredibly inspirational video? Amy pointed this video out to me and I absolutely loved the message. I hope you do too.

Keith's dad, Lonnie is the greatest example of hard work. He is incredible. He works hard and doesn't complain. He will help anyone who needs help at home even after a long hard day (or week) at work. He will work through any labor dispute despite how it hurts him because he believes in hard work. He is amazing.


Emily said...

I really admire that about Lonnie too. I don't know him as well as you obviously, but what I do know is that he is a very hard worker, and nothing pays off better than hard work.

Deena's Buzz said...

I love Lonnie. I've always thought he was a hard worker and was so grateful for all the help he gave when I first moved out here!! He's the bestest Uncle!!