Jr. Rangers!

On our trip the kids worked really hard to become Jr. Rangers. NPS has great programs for kids to become Jr. Rangers in all of the national parks. You learn so much doing it and it's a lot of fun too. We loved the program, and the kids were extremely proud to get their badges. The process of becoming a Jr. Ranger is really cute. First you have to fill out this booklet, then you have to go to the visitors center where a park ranger talks with you and reviews your answers. Last you raise your right hand and repeat the park ranger pledge. It was so cute I teared up a bit.



Amy said...

That is so cute! I can't wait until E is old enough to do fun things like that with! Congratulations Luke and Meagan!

Mindee said...

Looks like you had a fun trip!

Boquinha said...

We LOVE the Jr. Ranger program! We've used it on the Freedom Trail in Boston and they have it at all national parks--Gettysburg, DC, etc. It's fabulous! I love the pledge they do with them. Very sweet.