Made in China

My parents brought these back for the kids from China. They are really hard to use, but Megan especially likes them if I am holding onto her.



Stacy said...

Those look like fun! Have you tried them yet? I think I would totally fall if I had them strapped to my feet!

Jillo said...

I am with Stacy, how on earth do you drive those things? I hope Megan gets really good and she can teach us all.

J Fo said...

Fun! They're like the old school version of those Heelie shoes.

Oh, and this magical sunscreen you speak of intrigues me. What kind is it?

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Yes, I tried them. I got around a little but but not much. They are pretty scary because it's hard to stop if you fall backward. My parents said people in China were going all over with them and doing all sorts of fun tricks.

Boquinha said...

Wow, those do look fun/scary!