Love This


I love this picture! I found it at the Barn at Gardner Village. What an awesome store! If I had the money I would buy this picture and redecorate my entire house around it.

If you have been in my house, you'll know I don't decorate. Part of the reason is I don't have the money to spend on the type of decorations I would like. I probably never will because no matter how much money I have I think expensive vacations would come first for me. Another reason is I feel obligated to put up the gifts I get and hate to take them down. I also can't stand clutter and since my house is full of clutter it's easier to clean around little to no decorations. Last, I feel so wasteful changing decorations and I get bored of things really easy, so it's easier to have nothing. Maybe I am lazy too. I hate to shop and paint and all of the other stuff that comes with decorating. I would love a beautiful house though. I'd be happy to be someone's decorating charity case if you want to decorate my house around this picture :)


Emily said...

so cute! i LOVE that store--it's where we got our table & chairs (the white & brown one, only cost $500!)

Amy said...

This post gave me horrible anxiety! I guess that is where we are soooo different! I am not a fan of clutter either and having my home organized is vital to my sanity! I could never live in a home that was filled with stuff that I didn't love. Remember that for nearly every expensive decoration, there is a nice knock off just around the corner! It's easy to decorate on a budget! That way, when you get sick of something and want to replace it, you don't feel so bad because it didn't cost very much money in the first place! :)

kelly lautenbach said...

I'm fairly certain that YOU could totally re-create something inspired by this with your digi skills and then mount it and redecorate around it. :) In fact I am not FAIRLY certain, I am TOTALLY certain. :) Hop to it. I'll be waiting for a picture... :)

J Fo said...

LOVE that picture, too! I'm totally in to the bird-ish graphics lately. If you do decide to recreate something along these lines sign me up. I would totally buy one from you!

Lynnette said...

Haha! I can so relate to this post! I feel like I have great taste, but I just can't seem to make it translate into my home decor. And I love that picture too.