I'm Slowing Slipping Away...

What on earth did we do before computers, e-mail and cell phones? Geez. Now, my iPhone isn't working. I'm working on restoring it by loading iTunes on my laptop, but apparently I won't have any of my personal data on the phone because I need to connect to my main computer to do that. I'm slowly slipping away from the cyber world. Maybe someone is trying to erase me. This computer is my last hope.

Must... hang... on...

I'm going to have to rely on friend's to do my blogging for me. Who wants to blog for me tomorrow? Mindee took care of me today.


Jillo said...

Don't leave us April. Be Strong!
What DID we all do before computers and the internet? This is a very good question.
Maybe we would all have spotless houses, a pantry full of canned friuts and veggies and be very well read.

Boquinha said...

Oh that stinks. Computer issues are such a pain. Hopefully it all resolves soon and you'll be back!