
*I love all the words Megan says incorrect. I'm starting to get really emotional each time she says a word wrong because I know it's not going to last much longer. My favorite is butsept instead of except.

*I love the Jordan River Parkway! I have taken my kids there a couple times lately. They ride their bikes while I roller blade. We ride from one playground to another, then another. It's so much fun and such great exercise for the kids. I don't know how far we go but it is probably 2-4 miles and I'm so proud Megan's little legs make the journey.

*I signed up for a bike tour associated with the SLC Marathon. I'm trying to make sure I am ready for it because I need to ride 26 miles in an hour and 45 minutes. I still have no clue how possible this is because I haven't actually ridden 26 miles in at least 8 years. Keith is making fun of me for this. I've taken two long bike rides so far in the past couple weeks but my bike computer wasn't working either time. The first ride I'm guessing I went 20 miles in 2 hours. It wasn't a great test though because it was on the Jordan River Parkway and who knows how much the turns and people slowed me down. The second ride I thought my computer was working but it wasn't so I decided to do some steeper hills instead of a long ride. I went 8 miles from the Draper Park to the Draper Temple then east on Highland drive and back to the park.

*This weekend was gorgeous and I wanted to ride my bike but got to work the Scrapbook Expo instead. It's so much work preparing for those shows! Ugh! The weekend went well, and I'm glad I did it. I love meeting so many cool people and talking to so many old friends and customers.

*I get to go to the Draper Temple in a few hours to see it dedicated. I'm really excited to see what happens at a dedication. Once it's dedicated the temple is closed to the general public.

*I'm really excited for spring, but need to go skiing a few more times before I can be ready to say good bye to winter.

*My house is a disgusting mess. How did I become this person?

*My feet really hurt from standing on them so long this weekend. I've been able to relax this morning which is great.

*I can't wait for the Digital Scrapbook Memories Retreat in May. I bought tons of prizes for it and can't wait to give them away.

*I really REALLY wish I could go to a surfpark. They look so cool. We have a really fun Flowrider place nearby, but this surfpark looks extra cool.


Amy said...

I liked this random post! Isn't it nice to have so many great things on your mind!? I am getting my bike fixed up this week so let's go for a ride!

Stacy said...

I love the parkway also! What section do you guys go on?

Jillo said...

I am impressed. 26 miles is nothing to sneeze at. You will be awesome!

susan said...

I love the randomness. Butsept is the best! Too cute!
I need to get my bike out. I would love to ride with you sometime. Sounds like I need to train for awhile first!

Jen said...

I enjoyed the random-ness too - my brain always has a million different things swimming around and works a lot that way. That's probably why I don't get more done! I also appreciated the 'not feeling like blogging' mood - I get that a lot. I enjoy it, but sometimes, I just don't want to take the time. I can totally relate to the tinge of sadness when your baby says those cute baby-ish words and you don't want them to stop. I am totally feeling that way with Angela. I don't want her to grow up and I don't know if I'll ever get to have the cute baby stage again. Sigh... (o: Kids grow up too fast...

孟勤正 said...

Hey April,

We have a blog now too to keep up with our friends/family. It's http://meganissimo.blogspot.com. If you don't mind looking at it occasionally mostly for my pride's sake, that would be great! Thanks.

Jordan Mendez

susan said...

Happy birthday April!!!