More Random Thoughts



These are pictures of my friend Jennifer's beautiful twin babies. They are about 2 weeks old now. I loved taking pictures of them.

Thanks to my friend Nora, I got to spend the day skiing at Deer Valley yesterday. It is so beautiful up there. It's a really fun resort with lots of easy runs. I can definitely see why the rich flock to that area. I got to go with my friend Mindy Thygerson. We laughed the whole time. It was great! I skiied through the trees and up a bunch of different little shoot outs off the trail. I even tried some little jumps! It was so much fun!

My husband and kids spoil me :)

I have been to a LOT of extra church meetings lately as part of my church calling. My favorite was two visits to the Samoan Ward in our Stake. Part of the meetings are in English, but several speakers spoke in Samoan. They also sang in Samoan. I personally love attending church meetings in different languages because I feel like I can concentrate even harder on feeling the spirit. I love knowing that so many of us around the world believe the same things and can worship together even when we don't understand each other's languages.

I have attended some meetings in Mexico in Spanish where I didn't understand a single word and I loved that too. I believe it's important to be at church on Sunday no matter where you are.

I have one more church meeting tonight. I would be excited if I didn't feel like I had already left my kids too much the past couple weeks.

If I could be anywhere this minute I would want to be surfing somewhere warm. Anywhere. By surfing, I mean attempting to surf :)

I can't wait for the open house I'm holding this weekend. I hope you can come!


Emily said...

I skiied Deer Valley once and LOVED it.

Jillo said...

Such sweet little babies. Tell Jennifer congrats!

Gina said...

Is this the Jennifer that I know? I don't think I knew she was having twins. Beautiful. I want twins, sometimes, just for the pictures. Gorgeous! Tell her congrats.

I can't believe how much you go skiing. It blows my mind. You are a true adventurer!

I need to call you about the scrapbook retreat. My "dumb" brother has to go and get married that weekend. RATS! I will have to call you later about that.

Would love to be your neighbor, but I think we are pretty set. HA

Boquinha said...

Wow, twins! They're so tiny and cute!

Someplace warm? I SO hear you.

Jason & Kelli West said...

I always love your random thoughts. I am glad you got spoiled by Keith and your kids for your birthday!! Those pictures of the twins are so cute!! :) I think your awesome April!!

susan said...

Awww! I do think twins are the best. I want to see more! Tell Jennifer congrats!
I am happy you were so spoiled on your birthday.