
Thanks to my sister-in-law Christina, I got to go skiing at Sundance yesterday. Sundance has a promotion going where if you sign up as a fan of the Sundance Resort on Facebook, you can ski for only $20 before the 12th of February. Awesome!! I had to get Megan to school and pick Luke up from school so I only got to ski for just over 2 hours, but it was well worth the $20 and it was totally fun to experience skiing there. It was my first time to ski there. I have a new goal to ski all 13 resorts in Utah so it's fun to check another off my list.

It was a really pretty day down low, but up at the top it was really foggy. Here is an iPhone picture from the top.


Here was my view the last 5 minutes of the ride up. Normally, I would have enjoyed it, but my thoughts were focused on skiing with limited vision, plus I was kind of cold. I was nervous because I had never skied there before and wasn't sure how easy it would be to find my way down without losing my way and finding myself on top of a black diamond. I ended up really enjoying the ride down, (fog and all) and would love to be up there again right now. I had no problem finding my way.


This is how beautiful it was the bottom 3/4 of the mountain. I didn't expect such a pretty day when I left home because it was raining at my house.



Emily said...

I LOVE Sundance. It's where I learned to ski (and also where I tore my ACL) but it has, by FAR, my favorite runs of all time. On one side of the mountain there's a place where it has these HUGE hills and then goes up a little, then another big hill, then it flattens's soo fun.

Jen said...

oohhh - so fun. I haven't been skiing since I was pregnant with Sarah!! I think J and I might finally try to go next year. (we don't have cheap all day babysitting and the Oregon resorts are quite a drive away) I love skiing! At least I did 8 years ago! (o: Your cell phone takes good pictures!