Please pretend to be interested...

Remember the friend who broke her arm skating with me? Well, she posted a video of me skating. It's proof I'm not very good, but getting better. It's the top video on this post. Please pretend to be interested. Keith thinks I'm like a little kid needing approval. It's true. Also, notice the way Mindee talks. She is so positive. I am pretty positive, but I would have started with the fact that I broke my arm rather than "skating was fun".

Well, then again, skating really is fun.


Emily said...

I tried to be interested but the video wouldn't play for me!

Boquinha said...

You picked up a kid WHILE skating?!?! I'm SERIOUSLY impressed.

Gina said...

I went. I saw. I was impressed. I too was amazed that you can pick up a kid while skating. Good job. You look like a natural.

Jillo said...

Look at you go! I saw that backwards turney thing, pretty impressive. =)