
What family members are going to the Pope Reunion next summer? We'll be there for sure. I hope all of you Foley cousins will be there. All of the Oaks brothers are planning on it, right?


Emily said...

we'll be there!

Jillo said...

We'll be there too! I am really excited.

J Fo said...

Count the Greg Foleys in!

Boquinha said...

We're trying very hard to be there. As long as this economy doesn't do us all in, we're there!!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Oh Stacy! I hope you can make it. I'm so excited the rest of you (that have commented so far) are coming. It's going to be so much more fun now that we all know each other better from blogging. We'll have more to talk about than the blood relatives :)

What other Foley's are coming?

Jagged Rocks said...

We are going to try and be there, we really would like to be there though.

Stacy said...

We are going to be there! I don't know if we can make it during the day on Friday, but for sure Friday night.