Thanks Matt!


My new brother-in-law Matthew, went skiing with us the other day. The kids were so excited to have him with us! Grandpa Park came too (but only watched). I love spending time with both of these men. My kids are still extreme beginners in the skiing department but I'm determined to help them be able to zoom down the mountain by the end of the year. It's absolutely amazing to me how good some of these tiny skiers are on the slopes! My kids aren't afraid to fall if they are going really slow, but going fast is still too scary and they rarely want to let go of me yet. That's ok. They'll get it. I figure we'll be like the tortoise and win the race eventually :)


Angie of Down This Road Designs said...

The kids look sooo happy! I bet they love to ski. By the way--your kids are soo kind and fun! If I ask them to do something they ALWAYS reply with a yes. It makes things so much easier! Thanks for that!

TennilleAdam said...

Hey there! This is Zazu, or Tennille Anderson in real life! I am really enjoying your blog and the work you do and I want to learn more. Please email me at:
I'd like to learn more.

Jillo said...

I love that you take your kids skiing! They will have so many great memories and be rocking awesome when they are teenagers.

susan said...

I have only been skiing once and I have lived in Utah my whole life! Maybe I should join you and learn with your kids!