It Really Happened

I'm trying to find the longer version of this top video. It may not be a video, it may just be the audio portion that is longer. Has anyone heard it? It's so beautiful.

Here is another special video. I love Christmas. What a beautiful time to remember what is real.


Amy said...

I love that you posted these videos. I may have to copy you. This would be a great post for Christmas day! After a crazy evening at the mall, trying to battle the crowds, this was a good way to end my day!

Nora Mair said...

That's the ticket! I have so loved keeping up with you and your if ever we could have a party to rendezvous at....although at the moment I'm planning on going to the Digital scrap booking overnighter! yea!

Emily said...

I think hearing the Christmas story in a child's voice makes it so much more special. I don't know why, but I just love it.