Human Christmas Tree


I was in charge of Luke's class Christmas party today. I love going to the school and helping in his class. I love knowing what is going on at his school. Luke's teacher is great and lets me hang out in the class a little extra, even if all of the volunteer work is done. I really appreciate the opportunity to help at least once a week. I even get to bring Megan since she is almost kindergarten age.

The party was insane. The kids were wild, but had a great time. We made ice cream in baggies, played a game (that didn't really work) and decorated their teacher like a Christmas Tree. The kids LOVED decorating their teacher. I wish I got better pictures, but at least I have pictures, right? I let the kids wrap up in wrapping paper and pretend to be presents under the tree too. Their teacher was such a good sport. She even let me tape a star to her forehead that one of the girls created!

Thankfully, my friend Angie worked like mad the entire party and my Grandpa Park was there to help too. Thanks Angie and Grandpa! By the way Angie, I bought that peppermint ice cream because I was craving it after your last blog post. I couldn't find the same kind you suggested but it hit the spot :)


Boquinha said...

Looks like a fun time--how neat that you go in and do that!

Angie of Down This Road Designs said...

It was a fun party! I think the kids really got a kick out of decorating the teacher as a tree. Brooke replayed the tree part with Boston for a good hour tonight. Thanks for thinking of such great activities for the kids.

Amy said...

Your grandfather is the BEST! I love seeing pictures of him! It looks like you and Angie did a great job and judging by the looks on these kids faces, they had a blast! You are a good mommy to help out!

Jillo said...

What a fun party! I saw you guys and wished I was there with you, decorating the teacher. You really are fun with all your ideas. The kids look like they are having a blast.

Sharon said...

I love this idea! So super cute, thanks for sharing!