
Well, the leaves are almost all off of our trees. We have three big trees in our backyard so we get to rake a lot of leaves each year. I love taking pictures of the kids in the leaves though.



Unfortunately, this little girl seems to cry over everything lately. I remember her crying over something last December and while she was crying I made a comment to my uncle that I couldn't wait for her to outgrow this phase. He and his wife laughed and said it only got worse as they got older. Sigh... Megan is proving them right. She is so emotional about things and doesn't understand how to control her emotions. In the past couple months it has been really obvious to me that I need to work on her behavior. It's going to be a long road but she is worth it. I just hope she doesn't do this at other people's houses to often.


BTW - taking pictures of her screaming made her even madder, but since there was no reason for her to be crying in the first place I wasn't very sympathetic.


Jillo said...

Megan is usually a perfect little angel over here. She just swings and swings and is a happy girl. I think they save all the drama for their mama's. I know Weston does.
Cute pictures! If you ever want some more leaves to rake, I know a house that needs it. ;)

Gina said...

My little girl is just the same. She is not getting too much better yet either. I am sure we have a ways to go. The upside is that with the crying comes the most sensitive heart.

Emily said...

yesterday morning i told isaac it was time to go potty & get clothes on for school...and something like unto megan's fit down there happened to isaac. it was a total meltdown...because i asked him to go to the bathroom. it ruined his whole day.

how could i?!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute photos!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

LOL at your "how could I?" comment Emily :)

Amy said...

Oh the joys of parenting! HA HA! Little girls really are sensitive but I can't say that big girls are much different. There have been numerous times when my husband will walk in the room and see me crying on the bed and ask me what is wrong...I have no real good answer or reason for it! Sometimes it just feels good to let it all out and crying just hits the spot!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

I agree Amy. I'm that way too. I know I was really really sensitive in High School. I do appreciate a good cry now and then but I am glad that I'm toughening up a bit as I get older.

*Heather said...

Those pictures crack me up April!!! Kiersten would just get madder as well so I can totally relate!! ;)

Boquinha said...

Those are hilarious pictures!!