Oaks Honey

My father-in-law is a bee keeper. It's a hobby, not a job. It's really interesting to see him extract the honey from the hives. We got to watch him last night.

First he brings the boxes home from the field.


Then, he takes the hives out of the boxes.


Next, he scrapes the excess off the sides so that the hive (is that the right word) will fit into a machine. The machine spins the hives around to remove all the honey. The excess (what you see below) is seperated from the wax a different way. It is double boiled. The wax floats to the top and the honey sinks to the bottom.


This first filter still isn't pure, so it will go through another filtering process next to makes sure it's nice and pure. Last, the honey is bottled and ready to sell. Kind of fun, although I think I'm way too lazy for a hobby like this. Too much work for me :)


Just for fun, my father-in-law let the kids play with the smoker. He uses the smoker to chase the bees away when he is working on or gathering the boxes out in the field. It was fun playing with the smoker but IT STINKS!!! Jill will agree I'm sure. She went out to dinner with her hubby and came back to four stinky smoke infested children.



Emily said...

Lonnie gave us some of his honey last year at Christmas time, and it's GOOD. Isaac is fascinated by this post, thanks for doing it!

Although...have you seen Bee Movie? I wonder if Barry's family was in there?

heh heh heh.

Amy said...

I LOVE honey and consider myself a honey snob! I grew up eating only honey straight from the bee farms and never store bought honey. There is a difference! Does he sell it locally? I am needing some more. The jar I bought at the farmer's market is almost gone!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Amy, he lives by us. I'll let you know when it's ready :)

Jillo said...

It is true that I came home to four stinky kiddos, but well worth it. I love that they will have these memories of their Grandpa. It really is pretty cool.

DottieLou said...

wow that is really interesting I think I would be to afarid of the bees. I don't think I have ever had "homemade" honey.. sounds tasty

Boquinha said...

Lonnie is amazing.

That's so funny. I totally was thinking the same thing as Emily! Bee Movie! Has he seen it? I bet he'd appreciate it.

We only get local honey--it's SO much better for you and it's way yummier, too.