I had the opportunity to speak at a baptism last night. One of my new neighbors got baptized into my church. It was a really neat opportunity to participate in his baptism.
As I was thinking of what to say I started thinking about habits. They say it takes 21 days (30, 14... whatever number you want to put in there) to create a habit. I think that's garbage unless you are talking about bad habits. I've tried creating good habits so many times and it never sticks after 21 days. It usually doesn't even stick even after months and months. The habit I'm trying to form usually starts to get easier, but I would definitely not say it becomes a habit in a short amount of time. Bad habits do seem to form quicker though. Would you agree?
Anyway... I decided to adapt some of my thoughts on forming habits to my talk on baptism. In our church we partake of the sacrament each week to renew our baptismal covenants. Like all churches, we also learn and relearn principles that help us become better people. While giving my talk, I felt it was really important to talk about going to church each week. I wanted to explain that even when someone does everything (or most everything) they are supposed to do for a month, it won't be a habit. You are still going to have to work hard to become a good person and keep your baptismal covenants. New converts have an especially big job forming the habit of going to church each week. It's a big commitment and will take a long time to form into a habit. However, missing a day of church can easily lead you to missing another, then another. It's amazing how easy bad habits are to form. I hope I got this idea across ok because I really think going to church each week is incredibly important. It's just like writing and constantly reading your goals, going to church helps you focus on your highest goals.
The rest was on what our baptismal covenants are and what God promises to give us when we do our part. If you are curious what we covenant at baptism: When you get baptised you promise to become member of the Church of Jesus Christ, take upon the name of Christ (in other words act as he would which isn't always easy), help other people, testify of Christ and keep God's commandments. When you do this the Lord covenants to forgive your sins (Phew! Again, it's hard to always act like Christ), pour his spirit more abundantly upon you, and allow you to live with him in the Celestial Kingdom (we believe there are different levels to heaven).
Back to habits... while looking up information on forming habits I found this blog post. I think it's great!
5 years ago
I agree. Going to church each week is SO important. I used to struggle a bit with that, when both boys were babies, for a few months because I couldn't listen, I couldn't pay attention, I was walking the halls or nursing the whole time, and I never got anything out of it. But if I had not gone, I would quickly have been out of the habit and going back would have been harder. I also think it's so important to set the example for your kids: you go no matter what, even if it's inconvenient or you don't feel like it. I also agree with the 21 days to a bad habit but not good. When Pres. Hinckley challenged us to read the BOM a few years ago, I started right away and finished within 2 months. And then I stopped. I was finished, and obviously, the habit didn't stick. That's something I struggle with all the time.
Oh and one other thing (sorry). I feel like NOTHING takes precedence over church on Sundays. We (my family) don't make any other commitments on Sundays--none at all--because Church is our ultimate commitment. The time doesn't change for a whole year, and we know ahead of time that we will do nothing else on Sunday from 11-2.
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