
My friend and neighbor Angie tagged me the other day. She is really fun and has some really fun sports pictures on her blog I love to look at.

Tag Rules:
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

Six unspectacular quirks, huh?

1) I hate when the blinds aren't even. You know, when one side is open and the other isn't. Drives me NUTS!

2) I love well decorated houses but hate to decorate my own house. I have a really hard time keeping my house clean and I think it's extra hard to clean around a lot of stuff. I could live in a very contemporary decorated house and love it. Well, except I would need some family pictures and a comfortable couch :)

3) I don't like to listen to music in the car when I'm trying to talk to someone. As a matter of fact until the past couple months, I very very rarely had music on in the car even when I was alone. I don't like to listen to music at home either unless I'm cleaning or playing with the kids. I used to listen to music non-stop when I was a teenager and first married but the day I brought home my little boy from the hospital I didn't like it anymore. I liked the quiet and didn't want to fill a tiny baby's ears with junk. I still enjoy the quiet but my kids are requesting music more and more and I'm starting to enjoy popular music again. I love some of the songs on the top ten billboard and almost all the songs on Kidz Only and Radio Disney stations. It is so much fun to dance and sing with my kids.

4) I have no trouble spending money on vacations, entertainment and toys but I hate spending money on things like shoes, socks, underwear, towels, bath mats, kitchen appliances etc. In my head I feel so poor when I go to buy underwear, yet so rich when I am on vacation and want a $6 Pina Colada.

5) I don't like keeping things for sentimental reasons. I'd rather take pictures and give them away. There are a few things that I have kept because I feel like I should. They kind of stress me out because I don't know what to do with them and I really want more space in my house.

6) I hate when the waiter at a restaurant brings everyone a straw except for those drinking water. What is up with that? I want a straw!!!

I tag Kelli, Paula, Dottie, Amy, Jill and Mindee. All are great friends who helped my friends out for HOURS this weekend. Awesome, awesome, awesome girls. The Angie who tagged me is amazing too. She also helped for a long time as well as two non-blogger friends Linda and Sherilyn. We were all working to help my good friends who lost nearly everything in Hurricane Ike. I'll post more on their situation later.


Gina said...

That was fun to read. You are very creative typically, so this was no surprise that you came up with interesting things about yourself.

Jillo said...

Okay, I totally agree with you on the straw and water thing. What IS up with that???? One of my wierd things is I am a totally germ freak about drinking out of restruant cups, so a straw is a must.
This was a fun list!