Hello Kitty


Normally I hate to shop but I had a blast shopping today. I went with my four year old who thought everything was "beautiful". She was so much fun. We left the boys home. They think five minutes in the mall is going to kill them. Geez. Ibought Megan school clothes and she was so excited to get socks and headbands and anything else she could find that would match. I didn't let her buy everything but she got just enough she was really happy.

We stopped in the Hello Kitty store. I told Megan she couldn't buy anything, and that we were just looking. As soon as I saw the prices that wise idea flew out the window. They had an entire table with the cutest little things under $2. We are definitely going to have to stop in there every time we go to the mall. I wanted to buy everything, but Keith will be grateful to know I have some self control. We got out of there with only one little stamp set for only $1.81.

My favorite things in the store were the pencils and erasers. Did any of you love erasers as much as I did? I remember having so much fun admiring them during class. I specifically remember my 5th grade desk and pencil box. Oh how I loved that pencil box and all the super cute pencils and erasers I had. Megan is too young to appreciate erasers. I hope she likes them later in life :)

Ok... if you read this whole post you are a true friend.


Angie of Down This Road Designs said...

I use to love the hallmark store where they had all the hello kitty stuff when I was a young girl. Me and my friend would browse for at least an hour while her parents shopped the rest of the mall. What a memory you have stirred up. Angie

Jillo said...

I am so excited for the day that Lucy and I can hit the mall together. So fun!

Boquinha said...

Yay. I'm a true friend. Even if I'm sorely behind on all things blogging. I'm catching up. And Jill? You're next.

supermombritt said...

I use to love the Hello Kitty store when I was little. Did you go? There was one in Fashion Place Mall. My sister and I would buy pencils, erasers, suckers and gum. We loved their gum.