Cookies and a Camp Out

Here is why I was a cool mom (for a half hour). I love the cookies the kids designed. Meg did the top three and Luke did the bottom three.


Here is one of the many reasons why my kids can say their dad is super awesome.



Amy said...

I can't wait till we are able to do backyard camp-outs! Such a great family activity and good way to avoid traveling with high gas prices! Staycations are the best!

Jillo said...

Is that real cookie dough? That looks a little colorful to be real.
Looks like a fun campout. Did you guys make it all night out there?

Emily said...

are those real cookies? oh wait, jill already asked that. nevermind. looks fun!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Yes, they are real cookies. They sell the dough at some of the school fundraisers. Warning though... it can change your poop to blue.

The boys slept out and yes, they made it all night.

Nora Mair said...

It was so fun talking to you last week was it? I went for it and after the first week I'm sold. I'll blog about it after the first 10 weeks. So you hit the Naartjie store? I love their stuff. Your kids are adorable!

Boquinha said...

Blue Poop sounds kind of scary to me!!

Sharon said...

What a fun way to make cookies! Blue Poop, pretty cool too! eh?