Fitness Update

It's been fun posting these updates because I keep finding friends who want to do this with me. I'm also really into accountability. I want people to notice if I don't do what I say I'm going to.

In four weeks I have lost 10 pounds and I'm wearing smaller sized clothes. Yay. My body fat hasn't changed much in two weeks which made me worried but my coach said not to worry because all my other numbers are coming down. He said I was doing good, and I think I am too. I'm just really motivated by the body fat percentage.

I'm really enjoying the plan I'm on. It's not completely easy but its definitely not that hard.

This week I only have to go to the gym three times. Each of those three days I'll lift weights (as hard as I can) and do 15 minutes on the elliptical. That's it. I thought I would have to be doing more cardio by now but I'm completely happy not having to. My THF coach (Danny) said I can burn just as many calories lifting weights if I lift really hard... and I am! It's exhausting. Exhausting in a good way. I'm only lifting for about a half hour each day though. Not a big deal. This week for my cardio I'm supposed to do the elliptical machine for one minute super slow, then one minute super fast and hard, and on and on for 15 minutes. That was a good workout. I actually loved it. Gina and I did it together today (we missed you Jennifer) and it was kind of fun. Normally the cardio machines are SO BORING, but this way wasn't. It was harder but that's better than being bored in my book.

My meals are about the same as what I posted several weeks ago. I'm not eating the same things but I have the same types of things. Heavier carbs with protein and fruit at breakfast, mid-morning and lunch. My afternoon snack is a yummy protein bar that tastes like candy - yum. My dinner is lighter carbs, protein and veggies. Last, I eat a little bit of protein before bedtime. Notice, each meal combines carbs and proteins. Apparently it's really important to eat carbs and proteins together so you get the full benefit of the foods and you don't feel as hungry. The only exception is late at night. You don't want to go to sleep after eating carbs, but you do want protein because it helps build or repair (I don't know) your muscles while you sleep.

My favorite morning snack so far is yogurt, a plum and a tablespoon on lowfat granola. Danny told me about this yogurt at Smiths called Krogers Carb Master. It is so yummy and super super low everything. Check it out.

Gina, I'm going to miss working out with you. It's been a lot of fun.
Jennifer, you are the best! I owe you so much for pushing me along this year. You are a great friend.


Angie LeBaron said...

Way to go!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you! I need to get some of your motivation. I'm getting to the time where I have to suck it up and actually do something...sigh! Why is it so hard? But really I know that if I just start I don't feel deprived. It is just starting.

Jillo said...

Hooray for April! Keep up the good work, you really are looking amazing!

Gina said...

Ahhh! Thanks for the shout out on the most up to date, cutest blog ever. (As a side note, I am astounded that you are able to post everyday. WOW!)

As I was saying, this whole thing has been great. I am super bummed that I have to transfer gyms. It has been so fun to have you as a workout buddy. I am even more stoked now that I met with Danny today and have seen some actual numbers. YEAH! Good for us!