Give me a link

Link me to your favorite blog posts from the past. I would love to read them from all of you (strangers, friends and family). Put the links in my comments section. If the links you put in my comments aren't active (as in you can't click on them and automatically) I'll start a new post with all of the links later.

Also, I have a question for you. Do you get e-mailed each time there is a new comment on your blog? I always wonder if people see my comments when I post on super old posts. I get e-mailed with new posts so I'll see your links even if it's a year from now.


Angie LeBaron said...

I get an email every time but I am not a good example as I am new at this blogging business.

Boquinha said...

Fun post, April!

Yes, I subscribe to almost all posts on which I comment, because as people comment, it's like a conversation. Plus, every once in a while someone comments months later and we're still able to see what people are saying and thinking! It's fun! :)

Here is one of my favorite posts: Tax Time

We've also recently written one on some really neat friends of ours and their blog readership is growing like crazy!

I also have a lot of very personal posts (from around December/January) that are about my dealing with my father's death. I also love the ones with pictures and stories. I love all blogging! :)

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Stacy, I'm so sorry you lost your dad. I'll have to go find those posts.

The links work from here but they are horrible because they only fit in this tiny window. I'll have to post them all on my blog later.

Renae said...

April! I just discovered that you have a blog. Angie sent out an e-mail with her new blog address and then I found you via her. My blog is totally not interesting, but feel free to check it out.

Maybe someday I'll get to be a cool blogger, but for now it's super boring and plain.

Jillo said...

Hey, I need to know how to get an email if you get a new post. That would be most helpful.
As far as favorites, I don't have one of my own yet. But I love that you are collecting other peoples.
Great idea!

Boquinha said...

Jillyn, I'm working on a post about that. Stay tuned . . .

Boquinha said...

Thanks, April. There are a lot of posts. It's been hard . . .

Barb said...

Here's one of my faves that I've posted this year:

I should subscribe to comments, but I don't. It's a good idea, however, I might change that today!

Stacy said...

Yay! Now I get e-mails when people comment!