Let's Get It Started!


Ha ha. I have that song Lets Get It Started by the Black Eyed Peas in my head. We just got cable and the kids and I have started dancing to the music on the Kidz Only music channel. It's been kind of fun. Luke does all sorts of tricks, Megan changes her clothes between songs, and I just try to move as much as I can. I'm positive I look like a dork but my kids still think I am really cool. If only that would last. I'm getting a great workout as we dance so I think I need to encourage this activity for as long as I can. I honestly think I'm getting a better workout than I do at the gym.

Speaking of dance, we have been watching So You Think You Can Dance. Luke has been picking up on some pretty cool hip hop moves. It's pretty cute. Luke and Megan don't love that show but they enjoy watching with me because it usually means I'm letting them stay up late to watch it. It's my very favorite show of the whole year. I normally don't like reality shows. This one is good though. Sooo good.

I'm sure you can guess why I've posted these pictures. Last week was Megan's birthday. I think we all had a great time with her on her birthday. I love this picture of her in her cute new crown and jewelry.


Mindy Bush said...

Sweet, sweet pictures of her April, she is a doll! I'm glad you have a blog now!