The Star People

About 6 years ago I started a book for my kids.  I never finished it and I'm pretty sure I never will.  It was fun for a while, but I had a hard time getting the pictures I wanted as well as the time to finish it.  Here are three of the pages that would have been in the book.  It was going to be a story about Lukadukie, his star friends and the crazy adventures they had while trying to rescue the princess, Megalooska, who was locked in the ice castle.  Lukadukie went lots of fun places including a world where everything turned yellow. 

I think my kids would have loved being the stars of the book.  When they were little I used to tell them stories about Lukadukie and Megalooska at bedtime.  I'd make up whatever crazy things were on my mind and the kids would laugh and laugh and laugh.  It was a lot of fun. 


Jason & Kelli West said...

April, the book sounds amazingly fun!! What a great mom you are. I think you should finish the book :) It would be a hit!!!

Emily said...

You have to finish it! You HAVE to. Even if it's not perfect, do you think your kids will care? They will LOVE it.