Sleepover #2

The Oaks Girls
lots of fun - lots of noise - very little sleeping - smiles -
laughter - a bit of fighting - great memories :) 

The three on the right got to sleep over.  The two on the left just got to come and play a couple hours.  Baby T slept the two hours he was at our house so does that count as his first sleepover?


Emily said...

The matching nightgowns KILLS me! So much fun!

Stacy said...

Amy had so much fun! She keeps talking about how she didn't get married but Lucy did, and April had a baby! Ha Ha!

Boquinha said...

Omigosh, you're blogging again! I thought you'd stopped, so I'm only recently seeing some of these. DARLING outfits and cute cousin idea. Kate has a matching nightgown set with her favorite stuffed animal. She LOVES it.