Happy Valentines!


Cute Megan loved making her class Valentines this year. She is so into it and loves every single part of putting the Valentines together. It's been so much fun watching her. At first I just had her draw some stuff on a paper. After I scanned her drawings in and started creating her Valentine she completely took over. I was actually a bit bummed because I had a fun idea for her card, but her design is so much better. She is going to be so excited to hand them out tomorrow.

Luke is the opposite. I had to force him to write what he wrote. His card is pretty simple, but I like it. I was proud of the way I altered the maze I found online.

Happy Valentines Day!


Jillo said...

Super cute! I love them both because they really capture each of their personalities.
Happy valentines day guys!

susan said...

Glad to see Megan taking after you in the creative department! You are so creative. (I want a decent scanner...)

Boquinha said...

Wow! Your valentines are fancy!! We do homemade, too, but realllllllly simple ones. :P Nice job!

Jason & Kelli West said...

these are great! How cute and fun. I love that their handwriting is on there.