Kind of Funny (and then a little deep)

Megan and Luke were talking to each other the other day. As I was listening, Megan was talking about only having one hand and what that would be like. Luke then started to explain to her, why God would allow people to be severely handicapped. He explained that Satan can't tempt those people as easy and so even though it's really hard to be handicapped they are really lucky not to have to worry about being tempted.

Megan understood this to some extent, but not the full extent. She cracked me up when she started asking Luke questions. My favorite was this one, "So does that mean that people that only have one hand would have a harder time drinking coffee? And is that why Heavenly Father took his hand away?" She also went on to talk about a girl she saw on TV that didn't have a neck and how that would make it a lot harder to drink coffee too.

Hahaha. Looks like I need to keep working on this topic.

If you aren't a member of my church and you are curious what in the world I'm teaching my kids, you are welcome to ask. In short, we teach our kids not to smoke or drink coffee, tea and alcohol. We always follow that discussion up with the fact that you don't have to believe the same way as we do to be a good person. I really emphasize that because its hard for little kids to understand why something is wrong for one but ok for another.

Regarding seriously handicapped; this is a subject that is too hard to explain in a couple sentences, but I'll try. We believe God loves everyone so much. We are sent to Earth to gain a body, to be tried and tested. Some of the spirits that lived in Heaven were (possibly) so good that they don't need to be tested like the rest of us. Although some may view God as a horrible creature when he allows bad things like this to happen, we believe that it may be one of his most loving acts because these people can't be tempted by Satan the way the rest of us are. They will have a place in the highest part of heaven after they die. What greater reward could there be?


Amy said...

This is a great post. I think about this topic often and loved our lesson in Sunday School a few weeks ago when it touched on this very thing. It's funny to hear how kids interpret things sometimes!