Chocolate, Trains and the Cemetery

I wasn't sure how to title this post so I copied Mindee's title. Weird title mix isn't it? You can read about our day on her blog post. It was a lot of fun.




I love how much Megan loves Mindee. It's so cute to see them talking. I don't blame Megan for liking Mindee so much. She is incredible.


We had a great time smashing some coins (mostly pennies). I only had the small camera so the picture is a bit blurry. Smashing pennies is one of the memories that really stands out to me from my childhood. My grandparents (or at least my Grandma Thorup) took us to ride the Heber Creeper and to smash pennies. I loved it and still have my penny glued in my journal.



Going to the cemetery might seem a little strange to some, but I think it's neat. Mindee wanted to go to the SLC cemetery to see where some of our past prophets were buried and I was happy to go with her. We found President Hinkley's grave right across the street from my great grandparents. I never got to meet this grandpa, but I did get to know this great grandma. We called her Grandma Onie (own-ie). Apparently, we were told we could call her Grandma Leona, but Angie or I couldn't say her name right and it stuck as Grandma Onie. I only have a few memories of her. I remember she had a candy dish in her house in the front room. I also remember her in an assisted living place for a while. We got to sit in a wheelchair when we visited her there and I remember that being really exciting. I was only 6 when she died, so I don't remember much, but I'm glad I do remember her.



Anonymous said...

I think it looks like a fun day! Cemetery and all! So cool to see you take advantage of the summer with your kids!