Where Was My Camera?

I wish I had my camera at 7:30 this morning. The full moon was absolutely beautiful going down behind the Oquirrh Mountains this morning. The mountains were covered in snow, the moon was a stunning light peach color and the sky was a soft baby blue. I was at the top of a hill and it was still just dark enough to see all of the city lights too. Wow!!!


Nora Mair said...

My yoga class was canceled this morning so I (we) went running under the full moon. It was so bright and beautiful.

kelly lautenbach said...

it was gorgeous reflecting on the lake here this morning... too... so fun to think of us looking at the same moon from SO far away! :)

Amy said...

I know! Wes and I went to a movie tonight and when we were walking to my car I looked up at the moon and was amazed! I love full moons and I noticed that there is one on my B-Day this year! YEAH!