Let me fill you in...

Here is your Superbowl recap:

There were red guys and yellow guys playing against each other.

The red guys were called the Cardinals and are from Arizona. This stood out in my mind because I had no idea there were Cardinals in Arizona.

The yellow guys were called the Steelers (Stealers). I think. I can't remember where they are from.

Half time entertainment was provided by Bruce Springsteen. I was surprised they picked him because no one seems to listen to him anymore. However, he did sound good and looked like he was having a good time, so I was entertained.

The ads were entertaining. Our group seemed to stop talking when they came on. I hate to admit it but Budweiser always seems to have the best ads. Sad. Healthy drink companies just don't seem to have the same advertising budget.

I completely forgot to check the score the entire first half of the game, but I don't know that it mattered because sometime after half time I noticed the red guys hadn't done much anyway.

Fortunately for the red guys they did much better the second half, but they still must have lost because I saw the yellow guys looking much happier after the game ended.


Seriously though... we were invited to a few Superbowl parties. First we went to my friend Amy's house. Then, we went to my mother-in-laws. We had great company and great food... yummm! Amy works with me and runs this site called Caulen's Kitchen. Her cheesecake is to die for. I've asked her for the recipe here.

Amy took these pictures and sent them to me (thank you Amy). Notice anything new with Megan?


Sharon said...

Its funny because before you even mentioned that at the end of your post, I thought "oh I love Megan's new haircut"!

Great Great Great Post!!!

Boquinha said...

Darling haircut! I'm thinking of getting a bob, too . . .

susan said...

I love the recap. Too funny.

Jen said...

He He - i love your "red guys" and "yellow guys" explanation of the game. (o: I didn't really even know who was playing until we watched it either. I too thought Bruce Springstein was a surprising choice for halftime. I kept expecting someone current to come out on stage with him. I'm glad Janet Jackson or Britney Spears didn't!