I'm Really Thirsty

Our water started tasting REALLY bad 3-4 days ago. It actually made me feel a little sick. The water company tested it 2 days ago and were supposed to give us the results yesterday but they never did! Ugh! I seriously don't know if it is safe to drink. It has a metal or chemical taste to it and has a crazy aftertaste that makes my stomach feel weird.

The first two days I was so thirsty because I only really like to drink water and never made it to the store for bottled water. I can only drink so much milk and juice. Yesterday I finally got smart and remembered I keep a water supply in the basement in case of emergency. I've been drinking my water storage and realizing how quickly my water storage will go if there really was an emergency. I better store more water. Are you all storing water?

Our main water line was replaced a few years ago and our neighbors don't notice a difference, although some drink bottled water anyway. I'm so anxious to see what is going on. Apparently the city opened up some new wells or something on the day we started having problems. It may not be related though.

In our first house there were a couple days when the water litterally came out YELLOW! It was horrible to think public water in the United States had those problems. Bottled water isn't always better though either.


Anonymous said...

I have no water stored. I should deal with that, seriously. Thanks for the reminder.

April, I'm SO jealous of your Sundance skiing. Sigh.

Emily said...

We have about 48 bottles of water and a small blue tank, but that's it. not nearly enough. I hope there's nothing wrong with your water, that would be awful.

I wrote a paper in college about how easy it would be for terrorists to contaminate our water and kill millions in the process (that's right, millions). Our water infrastructure needs serious updating. My paper got the only A in the class!

Boquinha said...

Oh yuck, April. I hope there's nothing wrong. I love drinking water, too.

Angie of Down This Road Designs said...

That is horrible. I would have a really hard time not having water! I hope it gets figured out soon.

susan said...

Gross!! I hope you got it fixed.