Of all the presents...

...my neice chose to open this one a couple days before Christmas. I couldn't believe that she passed up all of the other (big) presents and chose to open this one when I wasn't looking. It's just a tiny tree ornament. Or at least it was. Ha ha. It makes me smile. I'm so glad I remembered to take a picture so I can remember this. She is such a cutie.


Our Christmas was great! The kids were so much fun to be with and watch. They were totally spoiled in every way. I made sure to explain how fortunate they were and talk about the importance of giving to others who don't have as much. I want my kids to understand how rich they are. Seriously. We my be an average American family when it comes to finances, but we are rich when you compare our situation with those in third world countries. Millions of people in this world couldn't ever dream of having even a fraction of what we have here in the United States and other countries like ours. I'm grateful I have been able to see some of these poor areas first hand so that I can truly appreciate how much I have.

I didn't take any pictures on Christmas. I love to take pictures, but sometimes it's more fun to enjoy the experience. Keith did get video footage of the kids Christmas morning and I took a picture of the kids toys in the middle of the night after Santa came though.

Hope you all had a great Christmas!


Angie LeBaron said...

That makes me laugh so much! I can't believe she would pass up all the big presents and go for the tiny one that is hard to open. Ha! Cute Sophia!!!

No pictures on Christmas!!! What?! Not even one? Surely you can enjoy the moment and still take one picture! Or is that Keith's doing? He probably hid the camera, didn't he?

Stacy said...

That's the kind of gift that Amy went for as well! It was fun spending the day with you and your family!

Gina said...

I really can't believe you didn't take any pictures. Will power, or craziness???

Boquinha said...

I'm so glad you had a nice holiday!! Merry Christmas!

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

I just saw your website for the first time and am very interested to know what lens you use to get those bright vibrant colors.

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Hi "Perthuis"! It's not the lens that helps me get the color, it's the editing. First I adjust the levels of my picture, then I duplicate the picture and use Mindy's Vibrant Color Action on one of the two identical pictures. http://mindysphotoactions.blogspot.com/ I then usually combine the two pictures and lower the opacity on the top layer until I get the look I want.

It's really not as complicated as it sounds. Ask more questions if you don't know what I'm talking about. You can ask me here or ask on my message board. http://forum.digitalscrapbookmemories.com/