2008 In Review (unblogged pictures only)

I have no pictures of January. Where did that month go? I suppose I was catching up from a busy December vacation and Christmas, then preparing for a very busy February.
You know, they say journaling makes you a happier person because it helps you focus on the good things in life. I completely agree! Preparing this post has made me especially happy. There were a lot of tough times in 2008, but overall it was a great year filled with friends and family. We are very blessed.


Here are just a couple pictures from our trip to Disneyland with Keith's mom. The heart is from a primary lesson Luke got. He was told to put this somewhere in the house where someone could find it and he chose to put it on Megan's bed.



Can you believe we went to the Moon and Mars with Kim and Kraig? What a great experience!

Below are pictures from our annual Oaks Easter Egg Hunt.


Barb, come back to Utah! I loved skiing with you!

The kids first time skiing... Thanks for helping Erin!

I love this picture by Jamie Hamblin's husband (below). This is a picture of most of the people at our first ever Digital Scrapbook Retreat. It was so much fun!


Welcome to the family, Amy!

I always seem to get a lot of pictures in May because the weather is getting warmer and I can find lots of good light for pictures outside. I love May!



June was filled with lots of pool time. We also went to St. George with our friends (the Petersons) and watched poor Tanner cut his knee open at our house while playing in the sprinklers. A few stiches and several weeks later he was fine... poor kid.


I love this picture of some of our cute neighbor friends.

Fourth of July pictures. Megan didn't you get the memo to wear red?


Photobucket Luke's sign below says "Clowns Hiring Megan". Luke thinks his sister is hilarious and PAID her to be a clown in his kid's club. Megan thought it was an insult at first but soon realized it was a compliment and got paid very well for her work entertaining the Luke's kids club.



I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills...



The next two pictures were taken by Erin's photographer. Again, I forgot his name, but if you want his number I'll find it.


Photobucket I'm so grateful my kids are able to make many of the same memories their dad made while he was a kid. We love visiting our "far away grandmas".



Rats. If you look close you'll see a third foot in the picture below of Megan's first day of preschool this year. I'm not going to fix it, because I don't want to take the time. The third foot was added on accident because I was resizing the picture and copied one picture on top of another. Oh well.
Photobucket This is Luke's normal pose for pictures. He loves to make faces at the camera in protest.



We love our cousins. Here are a few of them.







More fun friends. These guys just moved in a few months ago and we are SO HAPPY to have them.

Photobucket The Mighty Fine Mustang Award was a big deal to Luke. He got it from the principal for following directions. His name was called over the loud speaker and we got a personal call from the principal congratulating us on Luke's award!



Haha! I think this is a funny picture to end on because it's so bad, but I love the memory all the same. Also, this isn't my husband, it's my brother-in-law Matthew. Keith hates my blog so I can't blog about him much, I can only sneak a picture in of him once in a while.



Boquinha said...

Fun post and great pictures! Where'd you take your moon shot? And why does Keith hate your blog?

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

The moon shot is from the Clark Planetarium. Keith hates my blog because he thinks it is bad to publically blog so much stuff about our family. He doesn't want to be part of it.

Lynnette said...

You are an amazing photographer, I always love looking at your pictures! What a fun post.

Amy Herzog said...

HOW creative! When your done being awesome and creative on your blog you can come on over to my blog and show some creative love!! lol

It really looks like your whole family had a really fun year! Next time let me know when the DSM photo shoot is so I can be a part of it. lol. I am sorry I missed that time. :)

susan said...

I loved this post so much that I copied it!