Christmas Trees

Every year we go to Vernal to cut down Christmas trees. This year was THE BEST YET!! Although the snow can be fun it was great not to have hardly any this year. It made it much easier to get around, find a tree and stay warm. The kids had so much fun together. They were laughing the whole day and didn't need very much help with anything which made my day pretty relaxing.

Look how cute these little monsters are!


You'll quickly notice there are "guns" in lots of the pictures. The kids found sticks that looked like guns and had a blast pretending to be soldiers. Our family laughs because from a VERY young age they started turning all sorts of things into guns without any prompting from their dads. This picture (below) cracks me up because it shows off the kids personalities. Serious, serious, silly, cute.


Kaden was in charge of lining up and marching the soldiers. The kids loved following him.


Following Grandpa into the forest.


Posing by our tree. Again, serious, cute, serious. Ha ha. I love how Megan has her hand on her hip and her leg out. She is such a girl :) and I LOVE her! The boys are guarding the tree and doing a great job, don't you think?


Cutting down our tree:


The boys drug our tree all the way to the car by themselves! Wow. This is another benifit to not having snow.



I dressed my kids up extra warm so they would stay happy longer. Three hats might have been pushing it but she was warm!




Aunt Stacy, Megan helped pick your tree. Here it is.


Megan loves her grandpa. He is so good to her.




After we got the trees we went to each of the Vernal grandmas. Grandma Oaks was doing the best I have seen her in a long time so we got to have a great visit with her. The kids were adorable talking to her and giving her hugs. I love watching my kids give her hugs.

Grandma Pope and Emil are doing great too. We stayed at their house a little longer than planned but the kids had a blast! They must have asked 15 times when we were going there. Keith's uncle Wayne stopped by and I know all of the adult boys were excited to see him. It was a great visit.


Boquinha said...

Wow, what a fun post. So great to hear for your adventures and I'm happy to hear that Grandma Pope and Emil are doing well.

Jillo said...

I was so sad to not be there! Lucy would have been NO FUN, but still....
If you have any cute pics, feel free to send them my way. =)

Gina said...

Well, you certainly do have the pictures to document "the best yet" Christmas tree hunt. Looks like fun. I have never done this. Maybe someday.

Emily said...

that looks like SO MUCH FUN. I'd love to do that with you guys one year!

susan said...

I'm so jealous! My husband's brothers go every year, but he has no desire! I especially love the picture of Megan with the hats. Too cute!!!

Amy Herzog said...

How fun are those pictures?!! I am loving Megan's pose! She is so adorable.

Whenever you want to practice your amazing photography skills let me know. I know a kid that could use some camera love. LOL. jk