
The picture in the last post was straight out of my camera (camera phone) with no editing. I wanted to show those of you that don't know - what a tiny bit of editing can do for a picture. All I did was change the levels in Photoshop. I over exposed it a bit but you get the idea, right? It's so easy and makes such a huge difference. You can read how to do this here.


Here is another example of how a regular picture can look so much more amazing with some minor levels adjustments.



Emily said...

That is SO COOL. Now if only I could afford photoshop.

Nora Mair said...

Ever since I read about this on your site a few months ago--I can't help up play with all pictures that I like. So easy and makes such a difference!

susan said...

Can photoshop smooth out the frosting?

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Susan, no wonder your cakes are so amazing. You are a perfectionist!

The Bell Family said...

I love the picture of the guys and the tractor. That one is great!