Photography Class


If you have any interest in photography, come join a free online photography class I'm hosting (not teaching). Here is the link.

It was so much fun going to Cats last night (thanks Mindee!). I'm really glad I had the chance to go. I have to admit though... I didn't really like Cats because there was no story line and I kind of felt like you had to be a cat lover to really appreciate the songs. All of the songs were about different kinds of cats. The Memory song was sure amazing, but the rest didn't really interest me. Some of the costumes didn't seem "broadway quality" either. Who has seen it? I want to hear what you thought of it.


Emily said...

I definitely do, but I didn't see any info about it on the site?

Amy said...

I'm going to forward this to my sister-in-law. She just bought this exact camera and wants to take a class, so this may help her.
Sorry I missed your talk on Sunday. I have been staying with my parents while Wes is away to get homemade meals, help with the baby and have someone to keep me company! I'm sure you did a wonderful job! Hope to see you soon, though!

Jillo said...

So I thought I would share with you the plot of Cats, you lucky girl, you. It isn't my favorite either and I think the costumes are supposed to look a little shabby on purpose because they are junkyard cats.
So these cats, called Jellicle Cats are a speacial breed of cats. The most special thing about them is that they can be reborn. They gather once a year to a junkyard and compete for a spot in heaven. Kinda lame, but that's what it is.
The oldest cat, Old Deuteronomy gets to pick.
The heaven hopefuls do tricks or sing songs or whatever to prove that should be the one chosen. That's were you get some random songs and story lines.
There is one cat, Grizabella, who wants to come to the ball (in the junkyard) but the others think she is ugly wont let her come. She was a cat prostitute. Remember, these are cats and cats are fickle and proud.
More hopefuls do their thing and Grizabella tries a few more times to get in with the in crowd to no avail.
For the third time, Grizabella comes back to the junkyard,sick of the bad treatment. She explains how she wants to be reborn for a second chance to live differently--to live like the happy memories she has of when she was beautiful, before her years of prostitution That is where she sings memory.
The cats figure out she is the one who should win. She gets sent up to heaven on a tire, everyone sings a song, and that is that.
The junkyard will not get such excitement for another year.
Sorry for the long post. Hope this helps a little. I always find when i know the story a little better, it is a bit more fun to watch.

PS I am way excited about your photography class!

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

JILL!!!! Thank you for writing that! I seriously didn't get any of that out of the play so I loved reading your post. Thank you!!!

Emily, I should have put a direct blog link to the class. Sorry about that.

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Amy, I hope things are going well at your moms. I'm glad you are getting some help while Wes is away.

Gina said...

Okay, so I have seen Cats via a video of the play. I too found it very boring with lack of plot and uninteresting characters. I am not a cat-lover and wanted something more. You pretty much summed up my feelings about it. However, that story-line by Jill is quite thorough and makes it a bit more interesting. Still, I prefer Phantom, Thoroghly Modern Millie, Les Mis etc.

Mindee said...

April, I'm glad you had a good time even if it wasn't your favorite. The dinner that night turned out great. It was the best decision. Thanks!