Fitness Update

I'm still doing pretty good. This diet and fitness program hasn't been that hard until the last couple weeks. My mom made homemade cinnamon rolls twice plus I had other temptations I gave in to. I still lost a tiny bit. I was so happy to see my results today and know I still lost even if it was only a little bit. This week is going to be GREAT! I can do it!

I tell my kids what I am doing all the time to help teach them some good things about living healthy. I make sure they know I go to the gym. Megan has it in her head that I'm going to Jungle Jim's every morning. Jungle Jim's is an indoor play place for kids with all sorts of rides. Ha ha. She cracks me up.


Gina said...

Congrats! Congrats! I am so super proud of you and envious. I have had some definite bumps in the road with Lake Powell and the hospital adventure. Kick me in the butt. I am awesome at the working out, but the food is a killer. Please let some of your motivation and success come my way. Anyway, way to go. Wohoo!

Angie of Down This Road Designs said...

Great Job! It is soooo hard to stay away from those things sometimes. I tagged you! i don't know if you are into that but I don't know that many bloggers personally so Tag your it. Check out my blog for more info.

Boquinha said...

April, way to go. We all have our "now and then" moments. We really aren't expected to be perfect--what's so liberating is when we can accept ourselves--flaws, imperfections, fallings short, and all--and see our beauty. You're doing fine! Congrats!